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What is Earth Day? 

What is Earth Day?  - Brand Threads

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Earth Day is an international annual event that raises awareness of environmental issues that are damaging the planet. Run by, this movement is extremely important now that the climate crisis is becoming more serious.

Read on to find out more about the history of Earth Day, what can you do to take part in it, and what we’re doing here at Brand Threads to help mark this year’s event.

When is Earth Day 2022?

Earth Day is celebrated every 22nd April by over one billion people across 193 countries. This date was selected due to it falling between colleges and universities' spring break and final exams, as well as from the observance of Arbor Day, which occurs on the 29th of April.

History of Earth Day

Earth Day originated in the United States in the 1970s by Senator Gaylord Nelson as a result of the oil spill in Santa Barbara. Nelson, who was already concerned about the country’s environmental deterioration, decided that a specific day aimed at teaching people about pollution and how it was having a negative impact on human health could lead the government to take action and introduce legislation that would reduce pollution.

The first Earth Day was a huge success - over 20 million Americans got out on the streets to raise awareness and protest against the country’s environmental issues, making it the largest single-day protest in history. In 1990, the movement was taken worldwide, with 200 million people participating in 141 countries.

Earth Day 2022 Theme

Each year, Earth Day has a different theme focusing on different environmental issues and what actions could be taken to solve these. This year, the theme is Invest in Our Planet, encouraging businesses, governments, and individuals to invest in a better future by looking at policies, and introducing more sustainable practices on an individual and business level.

What to Do on Earth Day

There are many ways you can be part of the event, such as donating to specific causes, planting a tree, cleaning up your neighbourhoods, stopping deforestation, limiting your water usage, spreading the message, and more.

However, one cause that’s close to our hearts is sustainable fashion. The fashion industry is responsible for over 80% of greenhouse gas emissions, and in a time like this, it’s important for consumers to steer away from fast fashion and instead look at alternatives like sustainable clothing that are good for the environment.

Businesses should move towards sustainable business practices and source recycled materials, produce them ethically and efficiently, and reduce pollution caused by distribution by implementing sustainable packaging.

Peppa Pig Sustainable Clothing

To celebrate Earth Day in Brand Threads style, we’ve produced an Earth Day Peppa Care collection made from 100% recycled polyester. So do your bit in saving the environment and purchase sustainable clothing that is kinder to our planet – with a 10% discount. We also plant a tree with every order, meaning you’ll be helping us make a positive impact that will last for years to come.

If you’d like to know more about the sustainable fashion industry, read our what is sustainable cotton and what it means to be a sustainable clothing brand blog posts.